Bigger business?

Spend more than $2,500 per month on energy bills? For Commercial & Industrial businesses, we offer energy procurement consulting.

Our in-depth & obligation-free tender service could save your business thousands.

Smaller business?

Spend less than $2,500 per month on energy bills? We offer a free energy bill comparison and on-the-spot switching service.

4 out of 5 businesses who talk to us save significant money on their energy bills.

Our services

Your Zembl energy expert or consultant will help you save time and improve your bottom line when it comes to your businesses energy needs.

Who we’ve helped

We have worked with some of Australia’s largest and most renowned businesses to secure competitive energy rates, ensuring long-term stability for their operations.

"It was exceptional service, very helpful and helped save money on my energy bill."

Jack, Street Espresso

Get in touch with Zembl

Unbeatabl. Personabl. Invalubl.

Zembl is full of real people ready to solve your real business problems.

Zembl is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Brokers, Consultants and Retailers.

Zembl is proud to be a signatory of the National Customer Code for Energy Comparators & Energy Moving Services.